

black post

If I had to marginalize myself into a black-and-white world for just a minute, I would see my best and worst quality when it comes to approaching things (like blogging).

The good quality would be creativity. I mean, I have like a million different ideas a minute and I am constantly trying out new ideas. The counterpart to that would be serious doubt and a fear of failure. When I first learnt about The Blogcademy, I thought to myself “I gotta go to this thing! “ And since I am a recent college graduate with a pile of bills, I knew I simply cannot afford it this time around. Then I saw the scholarship opportunity. And while part of my brain was screaming “Awesome, just go for it!”, the other one was saying: “Well, what if you don’t get picked?” It’s kind of like when you are looking forward to Christmas because you are so excited for the bike you have been wanting, but on the other hand you are afraid to open your eyes on Christmas Day in fear it wouldn’t be there.

To be perfectly honest, there have been many occasions where I didn’t ask for something just because I was afraid to hear “no”.  I am still working on this, but think of this entire maze of posts is one giant step forward. I figured you gotta put yourself out there for things that are worthy.

And this blog is. Find out why in the next story (click below):

mint green post




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