I feel so inspired to do craft projects in the summer! It’s warm and beautiful out, and I can just sit on the porch and work with my hands! This past weekend was full of sun and mosaics! Today, I am sharing with you one of the two mosaic projects I made (the other one coming soon!). I have made a few of these pendants in the past and they are a fantastic DIY gift! In fact, I gifted by friend with this pendant for Christmas and she loved it. It may look challenging, but you will be surprised how easy it is to make one of these! So, here we go- DIY mosaic pendant:
You will need:
pendant cabochon setting (I got mine from Panda Hall)
stained glass pieces (in your nearest craft store or online)
tile glue (hardware store)
grout (hardware store- you can mix one yourself or buy pre-mixed)
a damp sponge
a rag/cheesecloth
It’s simple. Pick the glass you like and arrange it in the setting. I highly recommend settling on a design before gluing. Dip in the tile glue and place in the setting. Press gently down. Now, and this is important- the glue will need 24 hours to settle. This means that you can put the pendant aside and continue the next day or the following weekend. I know- this is annoying. I am a very impatient person myself, and the waiting kills me. But it’s worth it, I promise.
24 hours later: prepare your grout. Grout looks like a sand, and you can pick one up at your local hardware store. They have a variety of colors and types. For this purpose, get sanded grout. You can either get a pre-mixed version, where you don’t need to do any mixing, or you can just get the powder. I prefer to mix it myself, and honestly- it’s super simple. Just mix the grout with water (follow the instructions on the box) and you are done. Once the grout has been mixed, fill the gaps of the pendant setting. I like to use a plastic palette knife to help me fill the cracks. The grout takes about 20-40 minutes to settle, and once hardened, you can wipe the tiles with a rag (cheesecloth works great!). You may have to do some scraping to make the tiles took polished and clean around the edges. And your mosaic pendant is done!
I love how this one came out! If you like mosaics, I will be sharing another (bigger!) project soon! Happy crafting! Love, Marketa
P.S. If you want to follow my craft adventures and see behind the scenes shots, follow me on Instagram!